Technology Terms and Definitions

Technologies we use:


HTML is the main building block of web pages. It is used to insert and layout the main content. XHTML (EXtensible HyperText Markup Language) is the future and aimed to replace HTML and work in conjunction with XML providing a clean and conforming code.


A client side scripting language used to add dynamic features, form content checking, image effects, calculators and more to websites.


Php Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side language utilized for application and web development of active and advanced websites. It is used to add advance functionality to webpages beyond HTML and JavaScript.


Multimedia Shockwave technology allows advanced interactivity, usability and accessibility while providing graphical and dynamic content. Flash content is known for being visually stunning.


Industry-standard database programming language for creating, updating and querying relational databases and management systems. Used to store large amounts of information.


A highly flexible syntax language adding advanced features to web sites and for developing gateway interface (CGI) programs.


Object-Oriented GUI programming that AssKickin Solutions uses to implement and integrate the assembly, development, and deployment of applications using Pascal. Delphi's environment gives developers the ability to easily build applications with minimal coding and less time.


A compatible solution for high-end computer programming and the development of complex applications with simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility.

Java Applications & Applets:

The Java programming language is designed to develop complete applications and interactive functions, especially for the Internet, and is portable between operating systems. Applets can be embedded into a website and used by remote computing devices.

Online applications with PHP:

PHP allows complex back-end programming to be added to an existing internet or intranet site. This combines the functionality of an application with the usability and accessibility of a website.

Programming for Mobile Devices:

Applications that can go anywhere, are growing in popularity. Handheld devices such as the Palm™ or Blackberry™ use small programs that range from simple lists to advanced wireless features. AssKickin Solutions is branching into the existing market.